(from Chad Fothergill, August 29):  Dan died this morning from complications of cancer. He most recently served St. Stephen’s Lutheran (Wilmington, DE), and previously served University Lutheran (Philadelphia). The memorial service information below is pasted from a message sent earlier today by St. Stephen’s:

It is with a heavy heart that we inform you that our beloved Music Director Daniel Howe died today. The memorial service will be held at St. Stephen’s on Saturday, September 17, 2016, at 10 am with a reception to follow. The Rev. Barbara Melosh will preach and The Rev. Jason Churchill will preside. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the St. Stephen’s organ fund in memory of Dan.

We continue to hold Dan’s family in our prayers, and may he, with all the saints of God, rest in the eternal peace and love that is Christ our Lord.